Polars Chart

Races Selector


The Race Selector is a banner compound of a series of thumbnails, each representing a race in the Virtual Regatta™ Offshore game.

4 types of races can be found there, identified by their color:

  • Incoming
  • In progress
  • About to end (within 2 days)
  • Closed (only in the Races archived)

On the left hand side of the Chart, the Countdown panel also indicates the race state with the corresponding color.

In addition, a timestamp and a countdown are displayed when applicable:

  • For a race incoming, the countdown indicates the time remaining before race start,
  • For a race in progress, the countdown indicates the time remaining before race end.

Race Selected

Visually, the race selected will appear slightly bigger and slightly brighter, so you can spot at first glance which race you are positionned on.
On the example below, the race selected is the Clipper 12/13:

Beside this visual information, the name of the race selected is repeated on the Race Name side panel:

If, as it may happen, no race seems to be selected on the banner, then it's most likely because the race is closed or archived.
Read the Races archived section for more details.

When a race is selected, the entiere application interface is updated to reflect this change.

Some data comes from the race setup gathered from the server during the switch, some numbers are calculated on the fly, and some data is retrieved from the Browser's local database, like the latest TWA/TWS known, the options and sails subscribed on your boat.

Races Archived

On the left side of the Race Selector, an old dimmed Pen Duick™ allows to access the archive.

Two types of races can be found there:

  • Races Closed
  • Races Archived

A race is closed when its end date is reached. This date is fixed by Virtual Regatta™.

A race is archived when its end date is not yet reached, but when the user does not want to see it anymore in the Selector. There could be many reasons to such a choice, some of which:

  • The player is not enrolled in the race
  • The player finished the race
  • The player just want to hide the race temporarily

To move a race to the archive, there is an "Archive this race" [] button beside the race name in the dedicated side panel.
This button is available only for races in progress (or about to end, but not on races incoming nor on races closed).

A race archived can be restored, as long as its end date is not closed by VR in the meantime.
In this case, the archive button is replaced by a "Restore this race" [] button beside the race name in the Race Name side panel.